So we had a requirement to implement a lifecycle with really complex criteria for when state changes are allowed and provide clear immediate feedback to the user why they could not execute a state change if a criteria failed. The customer did not think the message component was sufficient for the user feedback. I was able to do this by writing my own promote classes in webtop that evaluated all the criteria and built the feedback messages and the redirected to the prompt component with a success or failure message indicating why the promote failed. The attached image shows how I redirect to prompt.
This works great does exactly what we need.
However now they are asking to enable the same thing with multiselect. For example, they want to select 10-15 documents, right click, select promote, and have my action run, collect any feedback on any of the documents and pop up a big prompt indicating which ones could not be promoted and why.
Right now. I just have the following
custom_type_actions.xml file with an entry in the context-menu menuconfig like <actionmenuitem dynamic="multiselect" action="promotecase".....>
my action definition is in the same xml file which defines promote case and points to my custom execution and precondition classes
my execution and precondition class files with all the logic
This lets me multi select, right click, and pick my action and it runs on each document. The problem is I can't seem to find a way to know within the action that it was part of a multiselect and should be building some form of combined feedback to present to the user instead of making its own message and calling prompt. Also if I do multiselect on 3 documents and run the action the only prompt that gets displayed is the one for the last selected object.
This is webtop 6.5 sp2
Ideally there is some way to multiselect in the context menu and choose a menu item and have my class fire once with all object object ids as args. Or if not that there is some way to be aware within the action that it is being run as part of a multiselect and it should pass feedback on to the next action that is running. Is there someway to do this that I've missed?