Is there any way to create 20+ user with same groups and ACL name in one shot?
Does anyone has any simpler way to create users in Documentum aplication?
Can you share DFC code for that?
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Hi ujjwal,
-->first create file with extension of dql (ex: like "user.dql")
-->in that write this queries ..
create dm_user object set user_name= 'dsr1',set user_source = 'inline password',set user_login_name = 'dsr1',set user_password = 'dsr1',set user_address = '',set client_capability= 2,set default_folder='\temp',set user_privileges =16;
create dm_user object set user_name= 'dsr2',set user_source = 'inline password',set user_login_name = 'dsr2',set user_password = 'dsr2',set user_address = '',set client_capability= 2,set default_folder='\temp',set user_privileges =16;
create dm_user object set user_name= 'dsr3',set user_source = 'inline password',set user_login_name = 'dsr3',set user_password = 'dsr3',set user_address = '',set client_capability= 2,set default_folder='\temp',set user_privileges =16;
create dm_user object set user_name= 'dsr4',set user_source = 'inline password',set user_login_name = 'dsr4',set user_password = 'dsr4',set user_address = '',set client_capability= 2,set default_folder='\temp',set user_privileges =16;
create dm_user object set user_name= 'dsr5',set user_source = 'inline password',set user_login_name = 'dsr5',set user_password = 'dsr5',set user_address = '',set client_capability= 2,set default_folder='\temp',set user_privileges =16;
-->save the file ..(ex: you saved in the path c:\user.dql)
-->now run the that saved script using IDQL
--> open IDQL and give credentials.
-->Now execute like this " @c:\user.dql "
users will be created
Go through the attached pdf for better understanding
Hope this will useful for you
You can import bulk users by creating a LDIF file. Read Content Server Admin guide for more details.
else you can use dqMan - a free tool from
Can not have a user with the same name as a group.
You could use a DQL script to create the users and groups
You could use an API script to create the permission sets
@All: Can you send me dql scripts for that. I dn't have maximum knowledge rather than rusty to this technology.
I would be very grateful to you. Many thanks in advance.
Thank you so much sudheer..
And also you can import users by using LDIF
open one notepad and write the following data:
acl_name:Global User Default ACL
save it in LDIF format(ex: user.ldif)
Once you have created this LDIF file, do the following items:
-Log into the Documentum Administrator
-Click on users
-Click on file
-Click on Import
-Next to the "import file path" click on browse
-Locate the LDIP file that you created
-Click on "Import" at the bottom