[DM_API_E_NO_SESSION] : " There are no more available sessions."
Hi All,
Some of my users are getting this error while logging into webtop. I have checked in my application code but could not find any session leaks...ie did not find any sessions which were not released.
What can be the other reasons for this issue? What cinfiguration changes do I have to make on the COntent server or the app server side for this to work properly?
Kindly help !!!!
Try searching the forums - it might actually get you the information you are looking for:
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Hi DocBuilder,
- Run the DQL query select concurrent_sessions from dm_server_config to determine the maximum number of sessions supported by the content server. The default value is 100.
- Run the DQL query EXECUTE show_sessions to get the list of recently used sessions. Count the number of active sessions (session_status='Active')
- If count of active sessions is close to the maximum number of sessions from step 1 then the maximum number of sessions needs to be increased in the server.ini file. See Admin Guide for details on how to do it.
- If count of active sessions is significantly lower than the maximum number of concurrent sessions then the issue is probably with the Webtop.
- Open dfc.properties for Webtop and look for dfc.session.max_count. If it's not found then you may want to set it explicitly. According to dfcfull.properties the default value is 1000. Admin Guide for 6.5 states that the default value is 10. The value for dfc.session.max_count should not exceed the maximum number of concurrent sessions.
Good luck!
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