Custom adapters not working after upgrade

SSiva Member
edited October 24, 2012 in Documentum #1

We are using Custom adapters in our forms(Webtop). There are 3 adapters like contract_number, customer_name and dealer_number.

For the contract_number it is of data type int. the inputs of customer_name and dealer_number is using a DQL(which involves contract_number). contract_number is a mandatory field in the form and it should contain 8 digits.

Here is the issue before and after upgrade(6.5sp3 to 6.6)

Before upgrade (6.5 sp3)


When you enter correct contract_number (eg: 12345678)

Result: Fine without any errors


When you enter contract_number less that 8 digits (eg: 123 , 86786,1 etc)

Result : Error displaying the form contains error please fix.


When you enter contract_number a String or blank/space. (eg:a,cust)

Result : Error displaying the form contains error please fix.

After upgrade (6.6)


When you enter correct contract_number (eg: 12345678)

Result: Fine without any errors


When you enter contract_number less that 8 digits (eg: 123 , 86786,1 etc)

Result : Error displaying the form contains error please fix.


When you enter contract_number a String or blank/space. (eg:a,cust)

Result : a) Error displaying the form contains error please fix.

            b) Error executing adaptor: DealerNumberAdaptor() null. Please contact your administrator or see the server logs for more information.

            c) Error executing adaptor: CustomerNameAdaptor() null. Please contact your administrator or see the server logs for more information.

As per my thinking since the data type of the contract_number is int and when we enter a string it is failing so I tried to modify so that it accepts for the string also.

The query which is ran in the contract_number is as follows


select r_object_id from cf_account_folder where cf_contract_num = '" + iValue+"'"

I ran the same query in DA like below

select r_object_id from cf_account_folder where cf_contract_num ='a'

It failed. So I mdified the query as below

select r_object_id from cf_account_folder where TO_CHAR(cf_contract_num) ='a'Query got executed. So I modifed the query in the code and again performed the same test cases still no positive results.Before tghe upgrade it never throwed the error message saying that the customer_name and dealer_number adaptors not working.

Please let me know how to resolve those extra error messages(Adaptor not working).
