Hi all,
i need some help here. Currently we had a project of particular bank with massive document (6,000,000 objects ++ and still counting) and massive storage (about total of 5-6 TB with separated drives). They need us to do an Archiving procedure from one filestore (drive E:\) to another filestore (drive G:\). Im using this query:
Execute MIGRATE_CONTENT With target_store='filestore_archive_01', max_migrate_count=50000, remove_original=True, sysobject_query=True, log_file='C:\\LogArchiving.txt', type_to_query='ct_mandiri_doc(all)', query='r_creation_date < DATE(now) - 180 and a_storage_type <> ''filestore_archive_01'''
or in other word, currently we put everything on drive E:\ (filestore_01) and want to archive the old document (older that 180 days) to drive G:\ (filestore_archive_01)
in the first month, the this query runs normally, meaning drive E:\ gaining some free space and drive G:\ losing some free space as well which is correct. However, in the last 2 month until now, we are greatly losing space in drive E:\ (because of daily transaction activity) and drive G:\ has no changes, so i suspect the Archiving is not running correctly.
When i check the log, it says :
Mon Oct 29 23:26:15 2012 891000 [DM_STORAGE_E_RENAME_EXT_SEARCH]error: "Unable to rename a file matching (e:\Documentum\data\MANDIRI_REPOSITORY\content_storage_02\00018a39\80\2e\36\42*) to (e:\Documentum\data\MANDIRI_REPOSITORY\content_storage_02\00018a39\80\2e\36\42.pdf). Operating System error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Mon Oct 29 23:26:15 2012 902000 [DM_CONTENT_E_MIGRATE_CONTENT_INVALID_CONTENT_FILE]error: "The content file for dmr_content object 06018a3980596100 is invalid or not found or inaccessible."
Mon Oct 29 23:26:15 2012 927000 [DM_CONTENT_E_MIGRATE_CONTENT_ROLLBACK]error: "Migration rolled back due to errors."
Mon Oct 29 23:26:15 2012 941000 [DM_CONTENT_T_MIGRATE_CONTENT_OBJECTS_MIGRATED]info: "0 object(s) successfully migrated."
Mon Oct 29 23:26:15 2012 941000 [DM_CONTENT_T_MIGRATE_CONTENT_TOTAL_SKIPPED]info: "0 objects skipped during migration"
The bad news is, once i got this error, the system ROLLED BACK everything that we had already processed on that day. So during that execute migrate_content process, either it has to be 100% success or ROLLED BACK everything.
What i have tried:
1. run dmClean job
2. run dmFileScan job (took very-very long time because of massive amount of data)
3. Installation owner (Administrator, as well as admin user of windows) has Full Control of E:\Documentum\Data.
Question :
1. What is the cause of that error ?
2. Is it possible to BYPASS the invalid object access, and continue to the next valid object without rolling back everything ? Because its very2 waste of time.
Please.. somebody respond ASAP, because we only had 350GB on drive E:\ with transaction DAILY growth of 10GB.
Thanks before and after