Hi all,
Just a quick one, can anyone point me in the direction of a certification matrix for Brava 7.0 with 6.X Webtop?
I have scoured all the 6.7 release notes and cant find it listed anywhere.
many thanks
Is it not part of Brava 7 release notes? If not, submit a ticket with EMC support.
Unfortunately dont have a copy of those Johnny, I'll check with support thanks.
Check: http://www.infograph.com/support/knowledgebase/
There are two statements, i.e. that from EMC R/N, and that from IGC.
EMC only support 6.0.15 with 6.6 and 6.2 for 6.7SP1/6.7..while brava (IGC) support 7.0 for TSP 6.6 P014, 6.7, 6.7SP1, etc.