Error on documentum Search in webtop
I am getting the following error when I try to search documents in webtop.Its a customised webtop.But I am not sure whether it is because of customization.
Query execution error for $docbase_name$ : Unable to process query
Query execution error for $docbase_name$ : [DM_VEL_INSTANTIATION ERROR]error : "Cannot instantiate java class"
Steps I have taken till now:
1. Cleared the BOF cache.Cleared the cache both on the content server as well as the app server.
2. Since I also got this error
"ERROR [http-80-1] com.documentum.web.common.Trace - No of formhistories in the session :8B5041A765C6C822E4C3D4B90AA6EC6A, exceeds threshold, no of formhistories in the session: 50, confiugred threshold: 50"
I changed the FormProcessProp.Properties file is located under WEB-INF\classes\com\documentum\web\form\ and changed the entry
maxNoOfFormHistoriesThreshold=50 to maxNoOfFormHistoriesThreshold=100
3. I also checked the permissions on Cabinets/System/Modules/SBO. dm_world has read permissions on it.
4. Also performed the following steps:
None of the above steps has solved my issue.Please let me know the solution so that I can implement it ASAP.ITS URGENT
a)Reset the password of the user 'dmc_wdk_presets_owner' to 'webtop' in the Global Registry Repository.
b)Add the user 'dmc_wdk_presets_owner' to the 'dmc_wdk_presets_coordinator' Role in the Global Registry Repository.
c)Delete all the cache in $DOCUMENTUM_HOME\cache folder & TOMCAT_HOME\cache
d)Restart the CS machine
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