D2 "PDF Preview in property page"
I have been working on D2v3.1. I would like to know, about "PDF Preview" option in property page configuration. I tried to know about "PDF Preview" functionality, there I have unchecked the 'creation,edit,import' mode option under "Enable" tab. but still am getting, message like "Would you like to open or save the file" during the creation of document.
Is it possible to preview the pdf file, after creation/import mode. to make use of "PDF preview" option.
Thanks in advance.
-Sandeep Kumar.
Best Answer
Juliena, it worked only when I remove the condition "User is workflow supervisor with disabled option"
Thanks a lot for your help.
For the preview option, you need that a have the good renderer in order to generate the preview.
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Julien, Could you please explain, the example-scenario when to use the "pdf preview" option.
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At first sight, I think it's not possible to preview a pdf at Import step because the document is imported in CS only after the property page validation.
At creation step, i'm sure it's not possible cause you don't have document to preview.
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julien, I had one more requirement
As the workflow can be aborted by workflow supervisor and installation owner. But in the D2-Client, workflow supervisor alone have permission to abort the workflow. I had checked the reason for aborting workflow, Goto->Menu->Workflow-> Abort Workflow, in that I could see, only workflow supervisor has permission to abort it.
I would like to add one more condition, for superuser or administrator user should be able to abort the workflow.
I tried the below conditions, but couldn't work.
" User is superuser or administrator with disabled option
User is workflow supervisor with disabled option
User can abort the workflow "
Please have a look at below screenshot.
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Condition are ANDed...
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the below options are working in AND Condition.
" User is superuser or administrator with disabled option
User is workflow supervisor with disabled option
User can abort the workflow "
Is there any possible alternate way????
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My tips is to create to Menu entry exclusive :
First :
" User is workflow supervisor with disabled option
User can abort the workflow
User is not superuser or administrator"
Second :
" Uuser is superuser or administrator
User can abort the wfl"
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Thanks for the tips.
with 1st option: no change, workflow supervisor is able to abort the workflow
with 2nd option: superuser has got abort permission, but the workflow supervisor lost to abort the workflow.
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You have to specifiy two different entries in the Menu. One with the first criteria and the second with the other cirteria.
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In the matrix, D2 allows to check only one menu option for the context. Doesn't allowing to select mulitiple menu items for one context.
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Put your two entries in the same Menu Configuration.
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Juliena, it worked only when I remove the condition "User is workflow supervisor with disabled option"
Thanks a lot for your help.
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No problem... if it's work it's ok. Please put the thread as answered for future need.
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Hey Julien,
Could you please guide me on "Distribution" functionality....It's very urgent requirement.
I had done, the below configuration under D2...but couldn't work...please have a look at below screenshots.
Finally, I tagged this Distribution artifact to context in the matrix.
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Yes!! It works fine same as Quickflow in webtop.
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Perhaps it will be better to open a new thread for your specific question.
This thread is marked as answered already.
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