How to query a registered table using CMIS?

edited May 20, 2016 in Documentum #1

Is there a way to query/insert/update/delete a registered table in Documentum repository using CMIS?



  • diamondmote
    edited May 19, 2014 #2

    how to?

  • diamondmote
    edited May 19, 2014 #3

    I want same question.

  • KatieMasters
    edited May 19, 2014 #4


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  • sfaleyev
    edited May 19, 2014 #5

    The DQL Query can be executed against the Content Server repository in the user context.

    Just like in RDBMS you can access registered table using the following syntax

    Select from dm_dbo.[REGISTERED_TABLE_NAME] where


    Select first_name, last_name, emp_id from dm_dbo.users ;

  • JanardhanBChinta
    edited May 19, 2014 #6

    I tried the query in Apache Chemistry CMIS Workbench and get back invalidArugument/Bad Request message. Any idea?

  • Alvaro_de_Andres
    edited May 19, 2014 #7

    I'll have to check in my CMIS test project, but I don't think you can as registered tables are a "documentum feature" and CMIS only covers common ground between different CMS

  • sfaleyev
    edited May 19, 2014 #8

    Make sure you table is registered

    Select * from dm_registered where object_name=’ your table name’

    If you need register table use the following dql:

    REGISTER TABLE table_name (column_def {,column_def}) [[WITH] KEY (column_list)][SYNONYM ‘table_identification‘]

    This DQL will return the r_object_id of the newly created dm_registered object. In this owner_name is the name of the table owner. table_name is the name of the RDBMS table. column_def defines the columns in the registered table.

    column_def arguments should have following syntax column_name datatype the valid values for types are float, double, integer, int, char, character, string, date, time.

    Length should be specified for character, char, or string data type.

    column_list Identifies the columns in the table on which indexes have been built. column_list is usually separated with commas. table_ identification is the name of the table in the Database Example:

    REGISTER TABLE “hr.users” (first_name CHAR(30), last_name (char 40), emp_id INT)KEY (“emp_id”)

    Granting Rights

    You need to give the permission to the users to access the registered tables. The values for various permission levels are as follows 0 (None): No access 1 (Select): The user can retrieve data from the registered table 2 (Update): The user can update existing data in the registered table4 (Insert): The user can insert new data into the registered table8 (Delete): The user can delete rows from the registered table If a user wants update and insert permissions the value should be 2+4 = 6 , The repository owner also should have the same level of permission in the underlying database to grand those permission to those users. Granting Rights full permission to users in the above example

    update dm_registered object set world_table_permit = 15 where object_name = ‘users’;

    update dm_registered object set owner_table_permit = 15 where object_name = ‘users’;

    update dm_registered object set group_table_permit = 15 where object_name = ‘users’;

    How to Unregister a Table?

    Use the following DQL to Unregister a Table.

    UNREGISTER table_name In this owner_name is the name of the table owner. table_name is the name of the RDBMS table. You should be the owner of table or super user to do this

  • JanardhanBChinta
    edited May 19, 2014 #9

    I am able to query the registered table with repoint. Not able to query it using CMIS Workbench.

    I belive this is CMIS functionality question, whether executing a pass through SQL/DQL is possible?

  • abc123
    edited May 19, 2014 #10

    The answer is NO. Only CMIS base types (cmis:document, cmis:folder, cmis:relationship for Documentum) and their sub types are querable in CMIS Query Service. There is no extension to support to query other Documentum types at this point.



  • Archana12
    edited May 18, 2016 #11

    Hi William,

    Can we retrieve custom attributes of a custom type using CMIS? I have noticed that it returns, standard attributes only (for which we have a CMIS mapping, like cmis:objectId, cmis:name), but it does not return custom attributes.



  • Alvaro_de_Andres
    edited May 18, 2016 #12

    Folder tempFolder=(Folder)session.getObjectByPath("/Temp");
    ItemIterable<CmisObject> children = tempFolder.getChildren();

    for (CmisObject child : children) {
              System.out.println(child.getName() + ":" +child.getPropertyValue("r_content_size"));

    replace r_content_size with whatever custom attribute

  • Archana12
    edited May 18, 2016 #13


    I have tried this, but it returns value only if the attribute is a standard one, that too in cmis mapped format, otherwise null.

    FOr example it returns valid value for cmis:objectId but null for r_object_id.



  • Alvaro_de_Andres
    edited May 18, 2016 #14

    Archana12 wrote:


    I have tried this, but it returns value only if the attribute is a standard one, that too in cmis mapped format, otherwise null.
    FOr example it returns valid value for cmis:objectId but null for r_object_id.


    I can't test it right now but I think cmis base types can only be retrieved by the cmis:attribute (cmis:objectid), not directly with the attribute name (r_object_id).

  • Archana12
    edited May 18, 2016 #15

    Exactly !!

    So we can query custom types as CMIS base types and their subtypes are queryable, but when we fetch the custom attributes, it won't return. Because it expects only cmis:attribute to be rturned, and as no cmis mapping for custom attributes, so they are never returned.

    And this I see as a major drawback.



  • Alvaro_de_Andres
    edited May 18, 2016 #16

    Archana12 wrote:

    Exactly !!
    So we can query custom types as CMIS base types and their subtypes are queryable, but when we fetch the custom attributes, it won't return. Because it expects only cmis:attribute to be rturned, and as no cmis mapping for custom attributes, so they are never returned.

    And this I see as a major drawback.


    I'm not sure if I understand you, but if you have the cmis object you can retrieve every attribute of the object:

    name: cmis:name (but not querying directly "object_name")

    id: cmis:objectid (but not querying directly "r_object_name")

    custom_att1: getPropertyValue("custom_att1") (but not querying cmis:custom_att1)

    custom_att2: getPropertyValue("custom_att2")


    However, I think that doesn't work when using the query service as said in a previous post

  • Archana12
    edited May 18, 2016 #17

    if you have the cmis object you can retrieve every attribute of the object:

    name: cmis:name (but not querying directly "object_name")
    id: cmis:objectid (but not querying directly "r_object_name")
    custom_att1: getPropertyValue("custom_att1") (but not querying cmis:custom_att1)
    custom_att2: getPropertyValue("custom_att2")

    However, I think that doesn't work when using the query service as Wei Zhou said in a previous post

    Here are the steps I did:

    1. Query custom type : select * from custom_type where custom_attr1='ABC'

    2. Retrieve document as below:

    ItemIterable<QueryResult> queryResult = session.query(query, false);

      for (QueryResult item : queryResult) {

        String objectId = item.getPropertyValueByQueryName(objectIdQueryName);

        Document doc = (Document) session.getObject(session.createObjectId(objectId));

    System.out.println("cmis:objectId: "+doc.getPropertyValue("cmis:objectId"));

        System.out.println("Custom Value: "+doc.getPropertyValue(custom_attr1));

    3. I get object ID for 1st SOP and null for 2nd one.

  • Alvaro_de_Andres
    edited May 18, 2016 #18

        System.out.println("Custom Value: "+doc.getPropertyValue(custom_attr1));

    I guess you ommited the double quotes: doc.getPropetyValue("custom_attr1")? I'll try to test it later.

    btw you only need to select r_object_id instead of "*" in the query.

  • Alvaro_de_Andres
    edited May 18, 2016 #19

    Archana12 wrote:

    if you have the cmis object you can retrieve every attribute of the object:

    name: cmis:name (but not querying directly "object_name")
    id: cmis:objectid (but not querying directly "r_object_name")
    custom_att1: getPropertyValue("custom_att1") (but not querying cmis:custom_att1)
    custom_att2: getPropertyValue("custom_att2")

    However, I think that doesn't work when using the query service as Wei Zhou said in a previous post

    Here are the steps I did:

    1. Query custom type : select * from custom_type where custom_attr1='ABC'
    2. Retrieve document as below:
    ItemIterable<QueryResult> queryResult = session.query(query, false);
      for (QueryResult item : queryResult) {
        String objectId = item.getPropertyValueByQueryName(objectIdQueryName);
        Document doc = (Document) session.getObject(session.createObjectId(objectId));
    System.out.println("cmis:objectId: "+doc.getPropertyValue("cmis:objectId"));
        System.out.println("Custom Value: "+doc.getPropertyValue(custom_attr1));

    3. I get object ID for 1st SOP and null for 2nd one.

    try this before initializing String objectId:

    for(PropertyData<?> property: item.getProperties()) {
           String queryName = property.getQueryName();
           Object value = property.getFirstValue();
           System.out.println(queryName + ": " + value);

    that should list every attribute

    EDIT: I forgot the direct way to retrieve an attribute: item.getPropertyById("custom_att1").getFirstValue());

  • Archana12
    edited May 18, 2016 #20

    It still retrieves only object id with that piece of code, even if I put it before initializing string objectId.

    This is hat gets printed -



  • Alvaro_de_Andres
    edited May 20, 2016 #21

    this works for me with cmis 7.2 and latest opencmis:

    ItemIterable<QueryResult> queryResult = session.query("select * from test_type", false);
    for (QueryResult item : queryResult) {

    you can only reference cmis base attributes with the cmis:att_name format. Non cmis base attributes are retrieved just fine with their name.