Help troubleshooting -> UCF Failed to do substitution for "$env[APPDATA]/Documentum/ucf"...
Need help troubleshooting this...
We have changed the location where Documentum webtop places downloaded files and ucf binaries/configs locally to %APPDATA%.In the application's .../wdk/contentXfer/ucf.installer.config.xml, we changed all instances of $java{user.home} to $env(APPDATA).
Now the local user files for ucf are created here on Windows 7 machines C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Documentum\...
Good news is that this works.
Bad news is it stopped working for one user. User is now getting this error:
Failed to do substitution for "$env[APPDATA]/Documentum/ucf"
I have no clue how to begin troubleshooting this. Any ideas will be appreciated.
Content Server 6.7 SP1
App Server:
webtop version: 6.7 SP2 patch 10
User is on Windows 7
User java version 1.6u22, updated to 1.6u36. Did not fix problem
Best Answer
I guess this will work for you:
UCF needs to be configured in an environment with XP clients where users have no read or write access to their local C:\ drive.
The users' data is stored on a network drive mapped to H:\.
This H:\ drive is automatically mapped and setup on the users' Active Directory account (\\servername\users_folders\username). All users have FULL share permissions and all NTFS permissions except "Full Control".
An environment variable is been used as per the steps outlined in SN esg108168.
The following error is then shown in Webtop:
"An error has occurred.
Failed to do substitution for "$env{DCTM_UCF}/Documentum/ucf". So far substituted.
After closing this window, press the Refresh or Reload button on your browser to continue."
And the following error can be found in the Java Console:
"Executed command: "echo %DCTM_UCF%"; output returned: "H:\My Documents"; error returned:"'\\ servername\ user_folder\Desktop'CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory. UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory."
It may also be observed that a manually created network share does not exhibit this issue.
Cmd.exe checks to verify if a UNC name is used for the current directory. It does this because a UNC name may cause problems with child processes launched from such a console when that console is exited or halted.
The issue can be fixed as per the steps outlined in the following MS KB art:
what is written in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\AppData registry for problem user?
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Do you have any error in java console?
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Also check esg126606
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Sorry for the delay in responding. (Shifting priorities )
Java console shows this error (users actual name replaced with "User Name":
Jul 9, 2014 10:29:30 AM FATAL: Executed
command: "echo %APPDATA%";
output returned: "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming";
error returned: "'\\XXCHYB-XXMI03X\C_CFG_USERS\User.G.Name\Desktop'
CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory.UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory."
Tried a registry hack to make the default directory for CMD open at c:\, but did not help.
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I guess this will work for you:
UCF needs to be configured in an environment with XP clients where users have no read or write access to their local C:\ drive.
The users' data is stored on a network drive mapped to H:\.
This H:\ drive is automatically mapped and setup on the users' Active Directory account (\\servername\users_folders\username). All users have FULL share permissions and all NTFS permissions except "Full Control".
An environment variable is been used as per the steps outlined in SN esg108168.
The following error is then shown in Webtop:
"An error has occurred.
Failed to do substitution for "$env{DCTM_UCF}/Documentum/ucf". So far substituted.
After closing this window, press the Refresh or Reload button on your browser to continue."
And the following error can be found in the Java Console:
"Executed command: "echo %DCTM_UCF%"; output returned: "H:\My Documents"; error returned:"'\\ servername\ user_folder\Desktop'CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory. UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory."
It may also be observed that a manually created network share does not exhibit this issue.
Cmd.exe checks to verify if a UNC name is used for the current directory. It does this because a UNC name may cause problems with child processes launched from such a console when that console is exited or halted.
The issue can be fixed as per the steps outlined in the following MS KB art:
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