Need help troubleshooting this...
We have changed the location where Documentum webtop places downloaded files and ucf binaries/configs locally to %APPDATA%.In the application's .../wdk/contentXfer/ucf.installer.config.xml, we changed all instances of $java{user.home} to $env(APPDATA).
Now the local user files for ucf are created here on Windows 7 machines C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Documentum\...
Good news is that this works.
Bad news is it stopped working for one user. User is now getting this error:
Failed to do substitution for "$env[APPDATA]/Documentum/ucf"
I have no clue how to begin troubleshooting this. Any ideas will be appreciated.
Content Server 6.7 SP1
App Server:
webtop version: 6.7 SP2 patch 10
User is on Windows 7
User java version 1.6u22, updated to 1.6u36. Did not fix problem