Unable to see search results xplore
Hi All,
We are having some issues with the search functionality. We are using out of box webtop with some custom TBOs & jobs in place. Currently we are not able to search documents using some accounts although they have delete access on the documents. We have executed dqls from those accounts and its giving proper results. That means there is no issues with the indexing. I'll give more information on the TBO/Job which is processing document.
We have two cabinets X n Y. Document uploader have write access to X cabinet. They are loading the data into X and backend job doing some attribute processing and then it is exported/imported into Cabinet Y with a new owner name Z, where uploader already have read access. But when uploader try to search the document, he is not able find any results from quick/advance search, but from dql result is coming. If I login using the account of Z, I search all documents.
Can you please help me to understand what could be the issue? I heard about dm_FTACLReplication job which is currently inactive on the platform. We have xplore 1.0 and documentum 6.6 sp2 installed on the platform.
Thanks in advance.
Best Answer
First, you may want to check if the documents/folders are searchable in the xPlore database, use the /dsearchadmin application and use the Diagnostics and Utilities > Test Search option.
If the documents are found in the xPlore search above, run the ftIntegrity for dm_acl, dm_group and dm_folder types.
If they can't be found you may run the ftIntegrity for all the objects.
First, you may want to check if the documents/folders are searchable in the xPlore database, use the /dsearchadmin application and use the Diagnostics and Utilities > Test Search option.
If the documents are found in the xPlore search above, run the ftIntegrity for dm_acl, dm_group and dm_folder types.
If they can't be found you may run the ftIntegrity for all the objects.
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Issue resolved for most of the users but for those who are having only browse access to documents are still not able search any documents. I checked the dm_ftengine_config objects (we have two) and value of ftsearch_security_mode is set to 0. Is there any other configuration required for people having browse access to search documents ?
Any help would be appreciated.
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