Hello everyone,
I have a DQL query that is running quite badly at the moment when it contains the FTI attributes score and summary as below:
SELECT r_object_id, object_name, r_version_label, i_position, summary, score
FROM dm_document
WHERE ( object_name LIKE 'qwerty%' ESCAPE '\' )
ORDER BY object_name, r_object_id, i_position desc
This takes about 45 seconds to return with results. I remove score and summary, it drops to 29 seconds, however since the query is generated automatically, it cannot be changed very easily in that I cannot remove the score and summary attributes.
I could, based on this EMC article (https://community.emc.com/docs/DOC-19053 - specially the section on Unselective full text NOFTDQL queries), remove the order by clause but if I do that, then the position of the repeating attributes goes. Has anyone come across this and how they worked around this?
The xPlore version is 1.3
The Content Server version is 6.7 SP2
Thanks in advance!