using process variable as transition condition value?

edited December 2, 2014 in Documentum #1

Hi All,

How can you use a process variable as your  conditon value?

(xcp1.6 process builder - dctm 6.7)

I want to compare 2 variables against each other on a activity transition.

With the wizard I cant see a way to select the process variable as the value - tried the Manual Edit option as well with the below:

(temppl_value.integer > temp_numerator.integer)

but get following error when the process is run (this is not run in process debugger)

Caused by: com.documentum.bpm.engine.exceptions.FeatureNotSupportedInDebugger:

Feature not supported in Process Debugger:

Transitions with nested paranthesis : (temppl_value.integer > fica_numerator.integer)

at com.documentum.bpm.engine.utils.converter.AutoTransitionConverter.convertExprtoTransitionConditionObjVect(

at com.documentum.bpm.engine.utils.converter.AutoTransitionConverter.createExprListForCondName(

