xCP 2.2 Export Result List Data To excel

SandipDabhade Member
edited June 23, 2015 in Documentum #1

Dear All,

I am having requirement where after searching data user want to export result list output to excel file, is there any xCelerators avail for same?



  • SandipDabhade
    SandipDabhade Member
    edited May 28, 2015 #2

    Can you please help me on this guys, I has attended your training session at Bangalore , In that session one of your colleague said that its possible.

    Can you tell me how can I do this? or will have to do a customization?

  • nking
    nking E Member
    edited May 28, 2015 #3

    Yes check out the xcelerator homepage and the hackathon materials.

    Sent from my iPhone

  • nking
    nking E Member
    edited May 28, 2015 #4

    I just replied...

    Sent from my iPhone

  • nking
    nking E Member
    edited May 28, 2015 #5

    Here is the link

  • SandipDabhade
    SandipDabhade Member
    edited May 28, 2015 #6

    Dear Nick,

    I used his Export to CSV data service instance,


    However when I am exporting from browser blank window pops up


    Can you tell me what can be the problem?

  • nking
    nking E Member
    edited May 28, 2015 #7

    I am not familiar with that xCelerator. Can you send me a link to the page?

  • SandipDabhade
    SandipDabhade Member
    edited May 28, 2015 #8

    which link  you want?

    The blank popup opening up that one?


  • nking
    nking E Member
    edited May 28, 2015 #9

    Did you mean you took the hackathon data service?  I suggest you post a question in the hackathon page....

  • SandipDabhade
    SandipDabhade Member
    edited May 28, 2015 #10

    yes ,ok will post there

  • samir.vaidya
    samir.vaidya Member
    edited June 22, 2015 #11

    Can you try it on Firefox or Chrome?

  • roshan81
    edited June 23, 2015 #12

    Some issue with IE browser.  Firefox and Chrome should work.