Dear All,
I am having requirement where after searching data user want to export result list output to excel file, is there any xCelerators avail for same?
Can you please help me on this guys, I has attended your training session at Bangalore , In that session one of your colleague said that its possible.
Can you tell me how can I do this? or will have to do a customization?
Yes check out the xcelerator homepage and the hackathon materials.
Sent from my iPhone
I just replied...
Here is the link
Dear Nick,
I used his Export to CSV data service instance,
However when I am exporting from browser blank window pops up
Can you tell me what can be the problem?
I am not familiar with that xCelerator. Can you send me a link to the page?
which link you want?
The blank popup opening up that one?
Did you mean you took the hackathon data service? I suggest you post a question in the hackathon page....
yes ,ok will post there
Can you try it on Firefox or Chrome?
Some issue with IE browser. Firefox and Chrome should work.