xCP designer - Text Multivalue input
Hi All,
How to move index of Text Multivalue Input[widget] to add new data into next rows. while user choose the rows of results list.
Working on using stateless process to store the value temporarily. but still doesnt give solution to reflect dynamically. if user selects the different rows new data entered into index one for Text Multivalue Input[widget].
Best Answer
Hi Vinod,Requirement is to update the Text Multi value input [xcp widget] value from the result set. So that user can add and remove value using the widget (Text Multi value input [xcp widget])I have used stateless process for storing the chosen value in arraylist and output to text multi value [xcp widget] and completed the requirement.Thanks0
Hi Vinod,
I have implemented the same. by subscribing to the selection change. but as soon as i do search values are gone from the result set so does on Text Multivalue Input[xcp widget]. Can we store the list of string in arraylist (chosen be cell click) either in javascript function or java service to be called from stateless process. And output to be mapped to Text Multivalue Input[xcp widget].
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Hi Vinod,Requirement is to update the Text Multi value input [xcp widget] value from the result set. So that user can add and remove value using the widget (Text Multi value input [xcp widget])I have used stateless process for storing the chosen value in arraylist and output to text multi value [xcp widget] and completed the requirement.Thanks0
Hi Anand,
I have a similar requirement. I want to find out if we can launch a custom action flow when we click on Add button in this widget.
I want to perform below list of steps:
- user clicks on add button
- launch action flow step and show result list on the action flow step layout
- allow user to search and select documents there
- input selected documents into Text multivalue input widget when clicked on finish
What was your approach to achieve your requirement ?
Your inputs can help me save time. Thank you!
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