Add attachment :"Starts with" search customization.

edited June 30, 2016 in Documentum #1

Hi ,

We have a requirement to customize "Starts with" search option on Select attachment(s)  dialog box.

Current scenario: When we search on "Starts with" option it searches on same folder path.

Requirement :How can we enable to search it across all the path for eg .make it simple search instead of "Start with " search.

1.We are making changes in sysobjectlocator component.

2.We enable dfc trace and found that it uses folder id and frame a query to search. Query look something like this:

SELECT  ALL o.i_is_replica AS i_is_replica, o.a_content_type AS a_content_type, '' AS r_version_label, o.r_object_type AS r_object_type, o.owner_name AS owner_name, o.i_is_reference AS i_is_reference, o.r_assembled_from_id AS r_assembled_from_id, o.r_is_virtual_doc AS r_is_virtual_doc, '1' AS isfolder, '' AS notnavigatable, o.r_lock_owner AS r_lock_owner, o.r_has_frzn_assembly AS r_has_frzn_assembly, o.r_object_id AS r_object_id, 'y' AS selectable, o.r_link_cnt AS r_link_cnt, 'y' AS navigatable, o.object_name AS object_name, 0 AS idunion, o.r_full_content_size AS r_content_size, upper(o.object_name) AS objname FROM dm_folder o WHERE  a_is_hidden = false AND FOLDER(ID('*******')) AND lower(o.object_name) like lower('reporting%') ESCAPE '\'  union SELECT  ALL o.i_is_replica AS i_is_replica, o.a_content_type AS a_content_type, '' AS r_version_label, o.r_object_type AS r_object_type, o.owner_name AS owner_name, o.i_is_reference AS i_is_reference, o.r_assembled_from_id AS r_assembled_from_id, o.r_is_virtual_doc AS r_is_virtual_doc, '0' AS isfolder, 'y' AS notnavigatable, o.r_lock_owner AS r_lock_owner, o.r_has_frzn_assembly AS r_has_frzn_assembly, o.r_object_id AS r_object_id, 'y' AS selectable, o.r_link_cnt AS r_link_cnt, '' AS navigatable, o.object_name AS object_name, 100 AS idunion, o.r_full_content_size AS r_content_size, upper(o.object_name) AS objname FROM dm_sysobject o WHERE  a_is_hidden = false AND FOLDER(ID('*********')) AND lower(o.object_name) like lower('reporting%') ESCAPE '\'  AND ( not type(dm_folder) ) ORDER BY 18 ASC,20 ASC,13 ASC enable (HIDE_SHARED_PARENT).

We need help to understand how folder id is passed in the query and how can customize "Starts with" option to act as simple search.

Thanks in advance!
