preLoad utility to generate dql script

mareddyvittal Member
edited August 29, 2016 in Documentum #1


I am running preLoad utility on dump file, using below command, i don't see anything written to dql script file.

from CS admin doc, says The utility can also create a DQL script that you can edit and then run to create the needed objects.

D:\Documentum\product\6.7\bin>preload DOCBASE_DEV2 -Udmadmin -PPassword -dump_file D:/server_config.dump -script_file D:/server_config_dql.txt

2016-08-26T15:40:42.509000 dm_acl

The Docbase is properly configured for the load operation.

Completed processing 320 objects.

Exiting preload with status 0

please advise, am i missing anything, basically i am trying to copy configuration objects from one environment to other, if i use dump & load, i will get unnecessary linked objects also copied, i am thinking to use dql scripts generated using preload and will run on selected statements.

Thank you
