How to force auto-search for newly created object in D2
I have a defined work space in D2 that includes a BrowserWidget (for navigating folders), a DocListWidget that shows the contents of the currently selected folder, and a Search component to look for folders. When navigating the folder structure, if a top-level folder is selected, the subfolders within it are shown in the DocListWidget. All this works well. However, we have reached a point where the number of subfolders is getting large, and so whenever we create a new subfolder, it's becoming more difficult to find the newly created folder to access it.
Is there a way to configure the BrowserWidget (or the New menu item) in D2 so that, after a new folder is created, it can automatically trigger the search to execute, passing it the object_name of the folder that was just created, so that the new folder will appear by itself in the DocListWidget ? How would one configure that?
Hi Rene,
You can extend D2LocateService by writing a custom plugin in this case.
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