Hi All,
We want to configure SSL with certificate in Documentum xCP Application. We are using tomcat.
In deployment guide, we configured the tomcat part without any error. It works charm. Only the viewer have problem to show the document.
In deployment guide, there is a part about viewer and we also updated dm_server_config https url.
We need to configure jboss to ssl connection in 9082. Our 9082 is ok.
Then we login the DA for checking method server and documentum CTS.
Mehod server seems good but in CTS part,We do not see any old CTS instance in the list.
it says http_w_connection_error : unable to create socket 9082.
Can we need to secure all method server, content server, docbroker and CTS ?
Is there a best practice guide for ssl configuration for all modules?
Thanks for the help,