Content Transformation Services DQL in script.xml - issues with r_full_content_size?

edited June 20, 2017 in Documentum #1

I am attempting to batch create jpeg thumbnails for a significant number (over 80K) of pdf content files using CTS script.xml.  For the most part, this works just fine EXCEPT that CTS cannot transform files that are over 20,000,000 bytes.  It displays an error in the queue:

Content size for 090298108003f52d id: 0602981080049572 432383101 exceeds limit of 20000000 skipping content

So, to try and avoid those documents and not send them to the queue at all, I added a clause in the DQL

and r_full_content_size < 20000000

However, when I add this to the DQL, the script just flat doesn't run.  No log is created, no error is thrown.  The DQL works fine in the DQL editor.  Has anyone else run into this?

This works:

  DQL_Query query="select distinct r_object_id  from nps_tic_doc a where a_content_type = 'pdf'  and not exists (select parent_id from dmr_content where any i_rendition !=0 and full_format = 'jpeg_th'  and any parent_id = a.r_object_id)  order by r_object_id"          

This does not work:

DQL_Query query="select distinct r_object_id  from nps_tic_doc a where a_content_type = 'pdf' and r_full_content_size < 20000000  and not exists (select parent_id from dmr_content where any i_rendition !=0 and full_format = 'jpeg_th'  and any parent_id = a.r_object_id)  order by r_object_id"

Any thoughts?



  • ChristianDeVries
    edited June 14, 2017 #2

    The size limit error you are seeing is probably on the xPlore side for fulltext indexing. CTS should still process them for creating thumbnails.

  • jklawrence
    edited June 15, 2017 #3

    Thanks for the response.  The error I'm getting is in the media transformation queue, not the indexing queue, and the object is not being rendered.  This also doesn't explain why the DQL doesn't run at all.  It's like it's a bug that doesn't allow that particular value (r_full_content_size).  I've seen the behavior before (script doesn't run) when the DQL is not correct, but I've tested it in the DQL editor and it runs fine.

  • DCTM_Guru
    edited June 15, 2017 #4

    Since you are using alias, have tried referencing the attribute explicitly:

    select distinct a.r_object_id  from nps_tic_doc a where (a.a_content_type = 'pdf' and a.r_full_content_size < 20000000)  and not exists (select parent_id from dmr_content where any i_rendition !=0 and full_format = 'jpeg_th'  and any parent_id = a.r_object_id)  order by a.r_object_id

  • jklawrence
    edited June 20, 2017 #5

    Johnny -

    I did try that, but it didn't make a difference.  OpenText support has been able to recreate the issue and is looking into it.

    - Jane

    Update from OpenText Support:

    Instead of <, use &lt;


    and r_full_content_size  &lt;  20000000

    and this works.