800-byte file shows as 0-byte content size

edited August 18, 2017 in Documentum #1


I have a strange anomaly in one of my documents. This document's primary content file is a 864-byte GIF file, with an additional, manually imported PDF rendition.

It all works fine in Webtop, and the original file can be successfully exported. However, the size-related properties in the docbase are set to 0:

DQL> select d.r_object_id, d.r_content_size, c.full_content_size, c.full_format from dm_document(all) d, dmr_content c where any c.parent_id = d.r_object_id and d.r_object_id = '<object_id>'





This bugs me, because this single anomaly shows up in a list of contentless objects which it doesn't belong to.

Thanks in advance!




  • DCTM_Guru
    edited August 18, 2017 #2

    Do you get the same results if you without join:

    select c.full_content_size, c.full_format from dmr_content c where any c.parent_id = '<object_id>'

  • mrgou
    edited August 18, 2017 #3

    Yes I do:

    DQL> select c.full_content_size, c.full_format from dmr_content c where any c.parent_id = '<object_id>'





  • mrgou
    edited August 18, 2017 #4

    Duh! Seeing this again and still not believing it, I double-checked an realized I was looking at two version of the document. The one I was looking at in DQL does contain a 0-byte GIF file, while the Webtop showed a later version with a proper file!

    Sorry for that! TGIF!