Authentication errors on "Cloning"
I'm performing an experience on cloning a DCTM environment.
I have the following Source environment:
- A Source DCTM (Machine A)
- A FTI server indexing the Source DCTM (Machine
I have a Target environment:
- A Target DCTM which is "cloned" from the Source (Machine C)
- Oracle import and export was used to clone the database schemas
- A tool similar to rsync was used to clone the DCMT folders.
- A Target FTI server (Machine D)
- xPlore Backup and Restore tools were used to perform a full backup and perform an offline remote restore on the Target FTI.
On the Target DCTM (Machine C), a set of SQL DML instructions were executed :
- To update the references to the Source DCTM.
- To update the FTI references from the Source FTI
After this procedure, i was able to:
- Start the DCTM on the Target
- Log on the DA web console (localhost:8080/da)
- Start the Primary DSearch on the FTI server
- Log into the Primary DSearch web console (localhost:9300/dsearchadmin)
- Start the Indexing agent on the FTI server
- Log on the Index Server web console (localhost:9200/IndexAgent)
Unfortunately, i must have missed some steps, as i'm having several authentication errors:
- When opening IAPI, the window automatically closes with an authentication error
- The docbase logs report the following error: "[AGENTEXEC 4372] Detected during program initialization: Command Failed: connect,docbase1.docbase1,dmadmin,'',,,try_native_first, status: 0, with error message [DM_DOCBROKER_E_NO_SERVERS_FOR_DOCBASE]error: "The DocBroker running on host (hostA:1489) does not know of a server for the specified docbase (docbase1)"
- When connecting to DA, although i can successfully log in, the logs report the following error: "[DM_SESSION_E_AUTH_FAIL]error: "Authentication failed for user dm_bof_registry with docbase db6064."
I assume all this errors are due to authentication issues.
Can you please help me identifying what should i do to correct this errors?
Thanks in advance.
Best Answer
you're most likely projecting the repository against source server, as you haven't said anything about modifying server.ini nor on the target environment to point to the new server.
you're most likely projecting the repository against source server, as you haven't said anything about modifying server.ini nor on the target environment to point to the new server.
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In order to remove the mentioned errors i had to:
- Change to point to the correct machine (was pointing to the older machine).
- Remove Documentum\config\dfc.keystore
- Restart Docbroker
After this corrections, everything works as expected.
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