Is there any chance that someone have xCP Sample applications which were available on ecm site under xCP xCelerator Home Page.
Can you share it?
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Hi, Ryan, I may be able to help you. Do you have any applications specifically you'd like me to send to you? There are several xCP Sample applications, so i"m trying to narrow down your request.
Hello David, generally it would be great if you can provide me all of them. I did't download then, because I thought they would be available for eternity
My focus is on custom style/controls, particularly on some "advanced" button control. I need some button that can be displayed as "icon style". I try DispayActionIcon from xTension but this control have many problems in IE.So I need to find something different...
Ryan: There are seemingly over 100 applications associated with xCP. I have begun to glean them; however, at that large of a number, I will be working internally to make them available through the appropriate My Support repository. That process will take some time. In the meanwhile, if you have a specific application in mind, I can post it here for you.
Hi David Sciuto, Can you send me xcp business Calender application.. That is very much help full for me
@VirendraSrivatsava said: Hi David Sciuto, Can you send me xcp business Calender application.. That is very much help full for me
My Email Id phone: 9988452271
I can you send me list of applications?
Hi, Ryan, Attached are two files that list many, but not all, the applications. Please let me know which of these you'd like me to retrieve.
Hello David,
now I understand your question? You asked me about xCelerator also, while I mean only on applications. But never mind... Let's do it like this.
Please give me "Investigative Case Management", "DQL Utility".
Also in document DOC-6143.pdf there is a sentence "Sample applications have their own dedicated page here." If there are some more applications here, please provide it...
Regarding your request:
Attached is the document.
please provide me latest version of this application (with this order): 1. Investigative Case Management (ICM) 2. xCelerated Integration Services (xIS) 3. WorkSpace
thank you
sorry for disturb... what is your estimate? When I can have this applications?
Sorry for the delay, Ryan. Attached are applications you requested with accompanying the documentation. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Thank you David,
based on document in attachment, Investigative Case Management (ICM) and xCelerated Integration Services (xIS) are available as xCP 2.3 and xCP 2.2 application. Can you provide them, please. This ICM application that you attached is taskSpace and it is not useful for me.
Thank you in advanced....
would You please provide me xDM Sample Application for xCP 2.2?
Thanks In Advance
would you share Automation Framework xCelerator for 2.3 (and 2.2 if possible)?
Thanks in advance
Hello Andrey,
I have this one. Maybe it will help... Just remove last .zip from file name and Extract using 7-zip
can you please provide me Investigative Case Management (ICM) and xCelerated Integration Services (xIS) as xCP 2.3 and xCP 2.2 application....
@ryan1978 said: Hello Andrey, I have this one. Maybe it will help... Just remove last .zip from file name and Extract using 7-zip
@ryan1978 said: Hello Andrey,
Thank you Ivica!
Attached are the xCP files for Case Management (ICM) and xCelerated Integration Services (xIS) as xCP 2.2 and xCP 2.3 applications respectively. Let me know if you need anything else.
Your request for xDM Sample Application for xCP 2.2 files is here. I've also included version xCP 2.3 since it was available. Please let me know if you need additional files.
Virendra Srivatsava , I've located the calendar files you requested. They are attached. Please let me know if you need additional help.
Hi, can we have this one too: xCP Application Uninstaller v2.x
@David Sciuto said: Ryan: There are seemingly over 100 applications associated with xCP. I have begun to glean them; however, at that large of a number, I will be working internally to make them available through the appropriate My Support repository. That process will take some time. In the meanwhile, if you have a specific application in mind, I can post it here for you.
Hello David, When can we expect the Sample Applications (or some at least) to be available under My Support ? Let me know. Regards
I am looking for xCP xCelerator "The Preview Hookup widget" for xCP 2.3
aveladzic: I've attached the files you requested. Please let me know if you need further help.
Hello, Andrey,
Per your request, I was able to find them, but unable to attached the Automation Framework xCeleator files here. They are quite large and will need to put in a location MySupport, which allows upload and retrieval. I will let you know when a location is set up.
@Andrey_Karavashkin said: Hello David, would you share Automation Framework xCelerator for 2.3 (and 2.2 if possible)? Thanks in advance
@Andrey_Karavashkin said: Hello David,
Thanks David
Thank you David
@David Sciuto said: Virendra Srivatsava , I've located the calendar files you requested. They are attached. Please let me know if you need additional help.
Thanks for help . Please provide me any one of them dtbtheme and configuration document or help guide of xcp calander implement in application.
@SumitShrotri said: Thanks for help . Please provide me any one of them dtbtheme and configuration document or help guide of xcp calander implement in application.
@SumitShrotri said:
Please go to and search for xcp calendar. Please let us know if you're able to find what you are for there.
where can i download xIS file?
Here you are, Tony. Please let me know if you need anything else.
@hqiu said: where can i download xIS file? Tony
@hqiu said: where can i download xIS file?
Thats for Provide but i have small issues to configure project with eclipse .. Where i get this jar files
Can you please provide xCelerated Case Management (xCMS) also? xCP 2.3 would be great but if it is not available, xCP 2.2 should work