Hadoop Certification

edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1

Hi, this is liana working on hadoop development i am looking for certification on hadoop as of i know DS certification it is good or any other certification are there.


  • David Sciuto
    edited April 12, 2018 #2

    Can you help answer this question?

    We've noticed this question is over 30 days old and hasn't received a response. We're turning to you, the community, to help answer it.

    This generic response is intended to prompt discussion in this post. The question remains open to your answers, suggestions, and best practices.

    If you posted this question and were able to resolve the issue, please share your solution here with others. If you still need additional help, though, please let us know. Your question and its resolution are important to us, and we want to help. Please note that questions to the developers' network are typically peer-to-peer, best effort responses.

    David Sciuto