

Complete novice to Documentum . This file may be associated with WebTop, EPFM (Capital Projects) , or the Content Server. I don't know. I'm told this file can contain tags on changing the welcome banner, footer, etc. Perhaps even color. I'm trying to find out what tag names can be used and the options available. I find nothing when searching the OpenText site or Google. Opened a case with OpenText but was told this would be a customization and they could not assist. Any info. on this is greatly appreciated ; just need a point in the right direction. Thanks !


  • DCTM_Guru
    edited October 18, 2018 #2

    I believe this is used in your Webtop application. I believe NLS is an internationalization standard that allows you to display localized language. Think of it a placeholder/token that you would reference in your user interface. NLS properties file would contain the localize text values that you can easily change from one language to the next. I don't recall it ever being used for colors, but you could in theory use NLS parameters to control display logic.

    Here's link to old whitepaper: