iwcp question

In my perl script I am using iwcp to copy files/folders from workarea folders. This script is executed by a link in file menu.

with this command I noticed that files are copied just fine but for some reason the folders are not copied? here is piece of code I am using.

$dst = "$temp_dir\\$file";
$cmd = "iwcp $src $dst";
$cmdx = `$cmd 2>&1`;

Do we need add any additional switches to the iwcp command like -r to copy the directories? any ideas?


  • I am not certain I understand your issue with respect to the example. The example only shows a file as source and dest.

    Show your folder structure and what you are getting (and wanting to get) from the command you execute.
  • Sorry about the question clarity.

    I need to read the directory (Branch/Workarea/ITS) and dump the contents into a temporary folder (Branch/Workarea/Temp Folder)

    For this, in my perl script, I am looping through folder(Branch/Workarea/ITS) and calling iwcp to copy the contents into (Branch/Workarea/Temp Folder). While looping, I may encounter file or folder it doesn't matter.

    Right now, it's just copying the files but not folders.

    My question is, does 'iwcp' works for copying the folders?

  • It does if you use the -r option (and start at the top of the dir you want to copy)
  • Thanks for reply. I will try it out.
  • It does if you use the -r option (and start at the top of the dir you want to copy)
    I'm glad to see that they finally documented iwcp in the 6.7.1SP1 CLT manual ...
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