Creating Your First AppWorks Service Questions


Hi all, I'm new to AppWorks so this is my first go so please bear with me. I've followed the instructions using eclipse but on reaching the "Export the Service", I'm not sure in what directory to save the .war file. Is it within my development environment folders or directly to Tomcat's webapps? And the same for renaming as a zip.
Next it says "Your service can now be successfully deployed using the AppWorks Gateway Administration application to any AppWorks server!". I'm not sure where this is done if I'm not directly exporting the WAR via eclipse?
Thanks, Ken


  • Hi Ken!

    You can save the .war file into any directory that you have access to. The location you save it locally doesn't matter to AppWorks. For the example service, I saved the .war file to my desktop for easy access. Once the file is saved, then you can manually change the extension from .war to .zip (so myservice_1.0.0.war becomes

    When you have that bundle on your local machine (for example, on the desktop as I did above), you can then access the AppWorks Gateway Administration interface through your browser at the location where it was installed. Usually this would be on your Tomcat server at https://path-to-my-server/gateway.

    Once you log into the AppWorks Gateway Administration area, there is an Install link in the left sidebar. Click that, and you'll be presented with a spot to upload your service. Click the button, navigate to where the file is located, and select it to upload. Follow the instructions through the process to automatically set up your application on the server - it will set up the rest for you.

    To enable your service, go to the Services link in the left sidebar. Find the name of the service you just uploaded and click the Enable button to the right. Once it's enabled, you should be able to access the service through the url you created (in the case of the sample service, this should be https://path-to-my-server/SampleService/v1/profiles).

  • Thanks Quinton, I followed what you wrote and in the end my example didn't install (error 200) so I went for the pre-built version of and used http://localhost:8090/awdsampleservice/v1/profiles but I get a 404 error. I've read similar threads but not sure if mine is the same issue. Does the v1/profiles part automatically get associated? Thanks, Ken

  • If you're using IE, there is a bug which causes "Error 200" when there is a problem with your .zip. If you were using IE, perhaps you could try a different browser to get more useful feedback.

  • I tried it in Firefox and it gives the following: Error: App name SampleService is missing version number or app name. Filename must be
    I'm guessing it may be cause I named it as when I tried to name it SampleService_1.0.0.war from the WAR export in eclipse, i got a "module name is invalid" error the moment I tried to change it to anything other than SampleService. Do you change its name once it is exported from eclipse?

  • Your file name needs to contain both a 'name' and a 'version', and must be a zip file, therefore your file should be named something like: ''.

  • Cool, thanks. It all works now and runs in firefox but not in IE :)

  • which version of IE are you using?

  • it was IE9