Using OTAG server as a Reverse Proxy?


We have a online App need to access the Content Server behind the firewall. I have installed Tomcat, AppWorks Gateway 1.0 and OT Everywhere Apps 10.0.0 on my test server. I also had the OTAG Reverse Proxy Service configured. Can I use this server as a reverse proxy server for the online app to access the CS? Thanks!


  • Yes, OTE does this. You need to add a mapping from a path on the gateway to the correct content server host, and whitelist whichever paths there the app will need. The default configuration for that service is an example of how to do this for the OTE use case, so you should be able to use this as a model. Your app, of course, will then need to be coded to use the gateway urls.

    One common gotcha: do not include the protocol (http or https) in your proxy configuration; the request will be forwarded using the same protocol with which it reached the gateway.

    An alternative is to create a proxy service, which is an installer called, e.g., with just an and an icon.png in it, and in, besides the standard fields, set

    proxyurl.displayName=Proxy Host and Path
    proxyurl.default=<host>/<path> #(this can be modified via the settings later)

    This will proxy calls to /myproxy through to <host>/<path>.

    We are looking into releasing a standard installer of this type for proxying the CS REST api.