Password Rules


When I'm creating users for my appWorks install, it often says the PW doesn't meet the Password Rules requirements, but it doesn't tell me what they are. Is there:

  1. Someplace that details the exact rules
  2. A way to disable (Yes, I know it would not be as secure, but in our sandboxed lab environment, it makes it way easier to have simple passwords)



  • Thank you for your question. I'll look into this and get back as soon as possible.

  • The current password requirements are:
    8+ Characters
    Upper and Lowercase Letters
    Special Character

    Passwords cannot be reused as there is a check of the previous 3 passwords.

    The next major release of AppWorks Gateway will include a much richer user management interface which will allow direct control over groups and partitions, and allow custom configuration of password policies. At this time there is no method exposed for disabling the password policy.