Error: Maximum display name length is 255 bytes and/or maximum description length is 4KB



When I try to add my app, I get this error message:
Error: Maximum display name length is 255 bytes and/or maximum description length is 4KB

However; this is the contents of my

# Required fields
displayName=REST sample
description=Simple demo on how to use REST
# Make sure the type is an app!

Any idea why this error is thrown?


  • Are you using Internet Explorer? You may get a more specific (or different) error in another browser. You can also check the tomcat logs for a stack trace which should have more details.

    Please let us know if you find anything!

  • It seems I forgot to end my .zip name with _version.
    I added _1 to the zip filename and now it works.
    Btw...Chrome showed me a different error indeed.
    IE throws an error about the app name.
    Chrome throws an error "Error: App name rest-sample-app-v3 is missing version number or app name. Filename must be" which solved the issue :)

  • For reference, even the correct error message, as reported by chrome, is a little mangled; it should read "...Filename must be <app name>_<version>.zip"