default OTDS failure to deploy
I'm trying to set up the AppWorks gateway, and after starting tomcat and then attempting to deploy (after having chosen to use the default otds) I get the following error at the end of the otds deploy log. The folder named here (OpenDJ-2.5.0-Xpress1) does exist after this fails, so I'm not sure what's going on. Any ideas??
1390 [04 Feb 2014 14:46:51.332] INFO com.opentext.otds.deploy.Config - init: jmsPort = 41617
1408 [04 Feb 2014 14:46:51.350] ERROR com.opentext.otds.deploy.Utils - unzipFile: Could not create directory: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0/otds\OpenDJ-2.5.0-Xpress1/
1408 [04 Feb 2014 14:46:51.350] ERROR com.opentext.otds.deploy.OtdsDeploy - main: Could not unzip OpenDJ
com.opentext.otds.deploy.DeployException: Could not unzip OpenDJ
at com.opentext.otds.deploy.OpenDjUtils.installOpenDj(
at com.opentext.otds.deploy.Installer.installOtds(
at com.opentext.otds.deploy.OtdsDeploy.main(
1408 [04 Feb 2014 14:46:51.350] INFO com.opentext.otds.deploy.OtdsDeploy -
1408 [04 Feb 2014 14:46:51.350] INFO com.opentext.otds.deploy.OtdsDeploy - ***** OtdsDeploy Ended *****
This issue is being dealt with by the AppWorks development team directly:
Our first thoughts may be things you have already thought of:
- Does the directory have any permissions that would prevent the Tomcat user from accessing it?
- Is anything else running in Tomcat?
- Correct java version (unlikely the cause but need to verify)
- Enough Memory allocated to the Tomcats jvm?
- Any deviations from the install guide on AWD?
- Did you try blowing the files away and trying again (not ideal but good in a pinch)
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I've recently run into this same issue. I was following the Tempo 10.5 Install Instructions, which seem to have several errors, omissions and out of order sections. Engineering is working on an update I've been told.
After several tries and redeploying Tomcat several times, it turns out you cannot deploy OTDS if you have already configured SSL on Tomcat.
The advice I was given was to follow the AppWorks installation instructions here (on-line), which notes this SSL constraint as a suggestion. Then proceed to configure SSL and deploy Tempo after a successful connection to the Database.
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Hmm, I'm not sure what happened, but I was finally able to to get this to work. I'd already looked into suggestions 1-5, so went for 6, wiped out everything, and re-started...this time I made sure to run tomcat as administrator. OTDS finally deployed properly. Thanks!
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