AppWorks Windows/Mac Client


Can anyone direct me to where I can download the desktop client for AppWorks?

If I go to the download page:

I can see instructions where to download the media for iOS and Android devices, but I don't see a client for the desktop.

Does one exist at this point? Are we supposed to download BlueStacks to emulate a mobile environment on a desktop? How long would that be the solution?

Thanks much


I've even logged into v1.1.5 of webaccess of the AppWorks Gateway, but I'm just presented with a blank slate.

Any information would be useful.

Thank you,


  • Hi Paul,

    We are currently working on the roadmap for AppWorks and a desktop client (Windows and Mac OS X) is one of the items we are considering. Until that time, you can use real devices or emulators/simulators to test your applications, or indeed use Bluestacks for Android testing.


  • Regarding your webaccess question: you won't see anything there until you install some appworks web apps or tabs (see here, for example).

  • Thank you Werner and John