How to customize iOS app's look and feel / Branding ?


I couldn't find any documentation on how to customize (branding) iOS app container or Webaccess login / header. Please provide documentation or explain about it.



  • Hi Uthay, our AppWorks Bonding Service is currently in internal beta; this service will allow you to upload your own bonding assets, choose colours and sign AppWorks client builds with your own signing certificate for release on app stores. We have not yet set a date for the external beta or release but we will announce here on AppWorks Developer when dates are set.

    For modifying WebAccess, the only method today is to manually modify the CSS and image files in the Service itself. We will be looking into changes to WebAccess for our next release and will document changes when available.


  • Thanks Alex.

  • Hi Alex,

    I am wondering if there was any progress made on the AppWorks Bonding Service?
