otag user does not have rights to create partitions and ressources in shipped OTDS
Hi there,
I installed the latest appworks-package and the Admin Client 10.5 with latest patch to get into OTDS. When I log into OTDS as user otag I do only have read rights. So no way to create partitions or ressources. I have to connect OTDS to Content Server and write Apps for it. Anything mssing? Any way to get the Password for user otadmin@otds.admin or for otdsadmin@otag. They have the rights to do so ...
Many thanks for any hint :-)
Found out by myself:
1. Log-in as otag in Web-App Gateway
2. Go to User Management and search for user otadmin
3. Open Properties and reset Password
4. Log-in Admin Client as otadmin
5. Create your partitions and Access roles and Ressources as desired ...0 -
thanks Samuel for sharing
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