AppWorks overview....what problem are we trying to solve?


I need t ask more of a why question than a how. I work with primarily corporate and government clients. That is, people in offices at a desktop, using IE and MS Office, not people on their cell phones. Is AppWorks at all intended for enhancements to the existing desktop UI of Content Server or is it primarily intended for smart-phones, iPads, etc?
-Hugh Ferguson


  • AppWorks is benefitial primarily for customers with cell phones and tablets. It distributes corporate applications on mobile devices and provides common services for them. If you use web applications in the desktop browser only and the applications run in a company portal, you wouldn't need AppWorks. If the company wants to support some scenarios on mobile devices, AppWorks can help.

    This is what I understood from demos and a developer installation. You can have a look at the documents at KC.