Accessing AppWorks from client
Dumb question but what is the correct Server URL to enter when you are setting up your profile on your mobile device (Android, iPad, etc)? In the case where my server is at hostname, I've tried http://hostname:8080/ and http://hostname:8080/gateway, but both time out. Also, should I be using the user name with or without the @otag suffix? (EDIT: A fix to Windows Firewall means that both URLs respond, but authentication comes back as a fail. If I try to connect using a web browser, I get a message telling me that I need to connect with an admin account, or the otag user).
I would also like to know with the default OTDS, what is the correct URL to access it? in the AppWorks config, the URL shows up as http://localhost:8080/ but that is the address for base Tomcat.
Perhaps I need to rephrase this question to elicit a response. If you install the AppWorks gateway under Apache Tomcat, and it's accessible from a desktop or mobile device, and on your mobile device you install the AppWorks client infrastructure from the App Store, what do you need to enter as your server URL when the AppWorks client first asks you what is the hostname of your gateway? Assuming that the hostname is appworks.mydomain, is it http://appworks.mydomain:8080 or something else? This is truly holding me up. Also, where does one configure the OTDS that comes bundled with AppWorks??
-Hugh0 -
hi Hugh,
The base Gateway url is all what you need to configure in the appworks client. One of the following patterns should be sufficient:
http://hostname:8080 https://hostname:8080 http://hostname
you may try it by creating a profile with the developer url:
Is there any error thrown in the tomcat logs?OTDS
Administration client guide: The easiest way to add, edit, or delete users is with the OpenText AppWorks Gateway. Advanced manipulation of the users, groups, and partitions in the OpenText Directory Services is done using the OpenText Administration Client.It seems the web interface is available as well
you need to use a login asotag@otag
0 -
It seems my problem is that the base Tomcat URL (http://localhost:8080) is no longer working. The odd thing is that this is the default URL for the servlet container. Oddly though http://localhost:8080/gateway does work. I haven't been able to isolate any exceptions in any of the Tomcat logs, no stack trace, not even a warning. I even did a complete restart after clearing out the old logs. Admittedly, it's been a while since I've made significant use of Tomcat - most of my experience is in Builder.
UPDATES: I've observed that http://localhost:8080/webaccess/ is available to regular gateway users, but it's inaccessible to my iPad client. I was wondering if this is the intended URL rather than simply localhost:8080. For the DS installation, I can see the otds directory immediately under TOMCAT_HOME, but I appear to be missing a jar file, mainly the otds-as-as.jar. This isn't anywhere in my distribution for Appworks or Content Server. Where does one get this?
One suggestion is that wherever a document or a post gives instructions that involves downloading something, the KC link would be helpful.
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