AppWorks and Microsoft SQL Server



I have seen the guides for MySQL and Oracle as production alternatives for the AppWorks gateway database, but does anyone have any experience in deploying using Microsoft SQL Server? Any specific issues they have encountered? My client only uses SQL Server!

I'd be really grateful for any information you can provide.




  • I deployed AppWorks to SQL Server in my dev sandbox. Only specific issue is that you should make sure the db user that you give AppWorks is the db owner so it can write it's own schema (similar to Content Server). I did have an issue when I tried to connect a new AppWorks installation to an existing MSSQL db - the AppWorks install process doesn't seem to recognize when the tables already exist.

  • HI Hugh,

    That's great info. This is a greenfield installation so shouldn't run into one of your issues highlighted.

    Out of interest which driver did you install into the $catalina\lib directory?



  • I didn't need to install any drivers in the $catalina\lib directory. If you chose MySQL you probably would need additional drivers (or I was getting that messaging when I inadvertently picked MySQL instead of SQL Server).