The information in this article applies to product: e-Work all
- When a user tries to raise a flag from a client application, they receive the error message 'Access is Denied'.
- The user raising the flag must hold either the 'Administrator' or 'Flag Raiser' role, or both, in COM+ on the server running the e-Work Engine.
To add this user, go to Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Component Services --> Computers --> My Computer --> COM+ Applications --> Metastorm e-work Engine --> Roles --> Flag Raiser --> Users.
If the user is not listed, they should be added. Right-click on 'Users' and select New --> User. If a Windows group is already listed as a user (e.g. e-Work Flag Raisers), then add the user to that group. If there is no group, then the user can be added by name or a Windows group can be created and added with the user as a member of the group. If a group is used, new users can be added to the group rather than having to add each user to the COM+ role.
If an individual or group user is added to the role in COM+, then the Engine should be restarted. If a user is added to a group that already holds the role in COM+, then the Engine should not need to be restarted.