Quoted String in Column Name in Grid Fails with Oracle
The information in this article applies to product: e-Work
When using Oracle, a quoted string in the column name in a grid prevents the associated form from loading or an action from being invoked.
For example, a grid contains the column name to\_char('test'). With Oracle, but not MS SQL Server, this will fail. The browser will display the error message 'Failed to open folder' or 'Failed to invoke action', depending on where the form with the grid is being called. Although no error message is written to the e-Work Designer log, the following error message, using this example, is written to the Windows application event log:
Unable to load xml into DOM. Error(-1072896759) : Required white space was missing. . Found at line 11, position 48 :
- Use an alias in the column name. In this case, the column name should be specified as to\_char('test') as test.
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