e-Work 6.2 Hotfix 9 (

The information in this article applies to product: e-Work 6.2

Issues Resolved by This Hotfix

  • Multiple simultaneous calls to %LDAPSearch may cause the Engine to crash and stop serving incoming requests.
  • When taking a loop-back action in the Outlook client using web forms, the message 'The Web page you are viewing is trying to close the window.' is displayed.
  • Incorrect focus is returned when a form is submitted without completing a required radio button group.
  • A timer is not shown when uploading a file.
  • NDS Single Sign-on fails on slow machines.
  • When an e-Work URL is invoked from a page hosted on a web server that is not the e-Work web server (the web components are not installed), the e-Work URL is incorrectly redirected to that web server.
  • Date fields' 'Earliest' and 'Latest' values are not correctly generated when using the Version 5 compatibility layer ('classic' interface in version 6).
  • An attachment with a single quotation mark in the filename causes an error when the form containing the attachment is viewed.
  • A radio group with a single quotation mark in an option's caption causes an error when the option is selected and the form is submitted and reopened.
  • The web client allows an invalid date to be entered (e.g. 2/31/2004).
  • The query timeout, set in the following registry key, is not being used: HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Metastorm\\e-work\\Engine\\Database\\QUERYTIMEOUT (SECS).
  • Unable to connect two Engines to the same database.
  • Grid refresh fails with date/time field when client and Engine are in different time zones.
  • Data passed to refill grids is not in the correct format.
  • Web part unable to specify ActiveX version number (Share Point client only).
  • Memory leak in %LDAPSearch.