The information in this article applies to:
Product: Metastorm BPM (e-Work)
Version: 5.x 6.x 7.x
2 users log in to Metastorm BPM as the same user, and both are able to take the same action on a folder. However, only the user who submits the form first will succeed. The second user will receive the following error message when the 'Submit' button is clicked:
Error: Failed to commit action.
Message:Folder not locked for action.
Message:Failed to commit action.
The Windows application event log on the Engine server will log the following Warning:
Source: Metastorm Process Engine (e-Work Engine)
Category: eException
Event ID: 96
Action - < eActionName > -failed, the folder < eFolderID > is currently locked by < eUserName >
2 users log in as different users. If user1 takes an action on a folder, then user2 will get the following error message when they attempt to take the same action:
Error: Failed to invoke action.
Message:Folder already locked for < eActionName > by < user1 >.
Message:Failed to invoke action.
The Windows application event log on the Engine server will log the same Warning message as when 2 users log in with the same user name (see above).
2 users log in as different users. User1 takes an action on a folder and then closes the window using the Windows x button instead of the Metastorm BPM red Close button. Occasionally, user2 will get the following error message when attempting to take the same action:
Error: Failed to invoke action.
Message:Folder already locked for by .
Message:Failed to invoke action.
The Windows application event log on the Engine server will log the following Warning:
Source: Metastorm Process Engine
Category: eException
Event ID: 96
Action - < eActionName > -failed, the folder is currently locked by %3.
For 1 and 2, this is working as designed.
For 3, this is resolved in Metastorm BPM version 7.6.
The folder will automatically become available once the folder lock timeout period has passed. The timeout is set in the Metastorm BPM Services Manager. The Services Manager can also be used to unlock the folder. See the Administration Guide for additional information.