The information in this article applies to:
Product: Metastorm BPM (e-Work)
Version: 6.x 7.x
- Folders are entering a system stage, but they're not moving on to the next stage as expected.
The attached stored procedure was created for use with SQL Server and will need to be modified for Oracle. In addition, it is only for use with system stages where conditional actions move the folder on. If timed actions are used, this stored procedure will not work.
If conditional actions are used, do the following to recreate the eWait records and move the folders to the next stage:
- The attached SQL file creates a stored procedure with dbo as the owner. If necessary, this should be changed so that the Process Engine has access to the stored procedure.
- Run the SQL to create the stored procedure.
Run the stored procedure. It has 2 input parameters: stagename, mapname. So you would run it (e.g. in Query Analyzer) as
EXEC StuckFolders @Stage = stagename, @Map = mapname (where stagename and mapname are the appropriate values).
This will create the necessary records in the eWait table. If the folders need to be moved on immediately, then restart the Engine. Otherwise, the eWaits will be processed when the Engine processes another conditional or timed action.
If you wish to move a folder from a system stage, or any other stage, and no one is on the To Do or Watch list, you can use the Metastorm Services Manager to move the folder to a user's To Do or Watch List as follows:
Open the Services Manager and go to Metastorm Database --> Procedures --> procedure --> Maps --> map --> stage --> folder. Right-click on the folder, select Assign User ..., and make the selection(s).
If necessary, use the Designer to add an action to the stage to enable the folder to be moved, and republish the procedure.