The information in this article applies to product: e-Work 5.4 6.x
- This error indicates that the Engine cannot access the eServer table. Verify table ownership of the e-Work tables, and ensure that the database user for the Engine, specified in the connection string(s) in the registry, has access to these tables.
Check the following registry entries (1 for version 5.4 and 2 for 6.x) to verify the user:
5.4: HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Metastorm\\e-work\\Engine\\Database\\Connection
The value for this (configured as the system DSN) should be in this format:
6.x: HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Metastorm\\e-work\\Engine\\Database\\Conection
The value for this (configured as the system DSN) should be in this format:
If Oracle is used:
HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Metastorm\\e-work\\Engine\\Database Connectors\\Oracle DBC\\Connection
The value for this should be in this format:
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Data Source=vmOracle;User Id=ework;Password=ework;FetchSize=100;CacheType=Memory;PLSQLRSet=1
If SQL Server is used:
HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Metastorm\\e-work\\Engine\\Database Connectors\\SQL Server DBC\\Connection
The value for this should be in this format:
Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source= dbServerName;Initial Catalog=e-work;User ID=ework;Password=ework;