Error Codes and Warnings
The information in this article applies to product: e-Work 6.x
The following error codes or warnings may be written to the Windows application event log.
ErrorCode: Failed to assign input value 'C' to custom variable '%myDate' when initialing field 'myDateField'
Look at the custom table (map name) for this procedure, as the field 'myDateField' probably does not have the correct data type.
ErrorCode: '-2147217864' Description: 'Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read.' Source: 'Microsoft Cursor Engine' SQL State: ' ' NativeErrorCode: '32'
- This would occur for an editable grid if two people were modifying the same set of data or for a submit request if someone had changed the folder or custom data for that folder.
After migrating from e-Work 5.4 to 6.x, this error will be generated in the event log when a user attempts to take an action on a folder that was migrated. The user will receive the message "Failed to commit action." The folder must meet the following 2 criteria:
- It must have been created with the 5.4 Engine and not the 6.x Engine.
The Subject field (eSubject in the eFolder table) for the folder contains a linefeed/carriage return (chr(10) chr(13)). If the text is viewed in SQL Server Enterprise Manager, these characters will appear as squares. If this text is pasted into MS Word, the text before and after the characters will appear on separate lines.
In SQL Server, the following query should return all rows that have a linefeed/carriage return between text:
SELECT eSubject
FROM eFolder
WHERE (eSubject LIKE '%' + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13) + '%')To resolve this issue, remove all occurrences of chr(10) + chr(13) from eFolder.eSubject.
ErrorCode: '-2147467259' Description: 'Data provider or other service returned an E\_FAIL status.' Source: 'Microsoft Cursor Engine' SQL State: ' ' NativeErrorCode: '0'
This error message comes from ADO. The ADO Provider (SQL or Oracle) returns this generic message when it encounters an event for which it is unprepared.
Source: e-Work Engine, Category: eException, Event ID: 100. Description: 'Failed to obtain data'
- This warning, which does not indicate a problem, is generated when an action is attempted to be taken on a folder, but the folder is no longer at that stage. E.g., 2 users open a folder at a stage. One users takes an action to move the folder on to the next stage. Now the other user takes the same action. As the folder is no longer at that stage, the warning is written to the event log. This user will receive the following client error message:
Error: Failed to invoke action.
Message:< \[sp\_update\_action\] > : Failed to obtain data. - This warning is also generated when the Engine attempts to process a row in the eWait table where the folder or action doesn't exist.
- This warning, which does not indicate a problem, is generated when an action is attempted to be taken on a folder, but the folder is no longer at that stage. E.g., 2 users open a folder at a stage. One users takes an action to move the folder on to the next stage. Now the other user takes the same action. As the folder is no longer at that stage, the warning is written to the event log. This user will receive the following client error message:
ErrorCode: '-2147467259' Description: 'Unspecified error.' Source: 'Microsoft OLEDB Persistence Provider' SQL State: ' ' NativeErrorCode: '0'
Check the e-Work documentation and online Knowledge Base to verify that the correct versions of the Oracle ODBC driver and OLEDB provider are installed on the Engine server.
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