The information in this article applies to product: e-Work 6.6.x 7
The password specified in the following publishing script is being ignored and reset to blank. The script is adapted from the one provided in the SDK document Designer Customization Developer Guide.
Dim obj
Set obj = CreateObject("eDesigner.eDesigner6")
With obj
.ConnectToEworkDB "DSN","username","password"
.OpenProcedure "D:\\Tests\\PublishingTest.xep"
.PublishProcedure "PublishingPassword", false
End With
There can be as many as 3 passwords associated with a procedure:
- A password that allows the procedure to be opened in the Designer. This is specified in the Designer by selecting File --> Procedure Properties from the menu and entering a password.
- A password that allows the procedure to be published. This is specified on the screen Procedure Protection that is displayed after the database connection details when publishing a procedure.
- The password that is associated with the DSN used to access the database when publishing (database connection details.)
Password \#1 cannot be passed in using a script. If a password is required to open a procedure, a prompt for the password will always appear.
Password \#2 is specified in the sample script as PublishingPassword. However, there are 2 known issues associated with this. The script publishes the procedure regardless of the password that is passed in. Also, if there was a publishing password associated with the procedure before running the script, this is reset to a blank password when the script is run.
Password \#3 (password in the sample script) is passed in as a DSN parameter and works as expected.