The information in this article applies to product: e-Work all versions
The Designer User Manual states that when raising a flag from outside of e-Work "You may define any flag data to be passed along with the flag. If more than one piece of flag data is to be passed they are delimited with tabs. If you are passing multiple amounts of flag data, the entire switch must be encapsulated in double quotes."
Here is an example of eRaiseFlag.exe /FlagName: /FlagFolder: /FlagData: /ServerName: that passes 4 pieces of flag data:
eRaiseFlag.exe /FlagName:MyFlag /FlagFolder:0000000000000000000000000000600 "/FlagData:subject1product1from1details1" /ServerName:MyServer
Each occurrence of in the above command would require that a tab be inserted on the command line.
By default, a tab character cannot be inserted on a command line. To enable this, a change must be made to the following registry key(s):
HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Command Processor
HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Command Processor
The DWORD 'CompletionChar' can be set to
0 - disabled
1 - this will enable you to enter a tab with the 'tab' key
If HKLM and HKCU are different, HKCU has precedence.