The information in this article applies to product: all versions of e-Work
- Deadlocks occur during queries against eAlert table. This problem has been reported against e-Work version 5.1.1 with MS SQL Server 7. It may also affect e-Work versions 5.2 and 5.3.
The error reported is:
- Database exception while trying to GetAlertTree. Operation: open & extract records. Exception: -1. Description: Your transaction (process ID \#26) was deadlocked with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun your transaction.
- Unable to open table while doing open on HDynamicTableSet. Table name: eAlert. Additional info: filter: eFolderID='PAN$WTCNT$00012469' AND (eAlertType='' OR eAlertType=' ') - Error message: Your transaction (process ID \#21) was deadlocked with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun your transaction.
- The errorlog shows that the access violation arises while SQL Server is trying to report information about a deadlock which has just occurred. The stack trace reveals that SQL Server is in a routine called DeadlockSearch::PrintDeadlockDetails when the problem occurs.
- After the deadlock error, it appears that the engine loses one of its database connections. This causes conditional actions to stop working until the engine is restarted (sometimes SQL Server must be restarted also).