Verify that the external forms definitions have been created. This can be done in the Designer. Go to View --> External Forms. Make sure the PDF extension is listed and the form interface is correct. The default path is C:\\Program Files\\Metastorm e-Work\\Designer\\EWPDF.dll. If the form interface is missing, verify that the file EWPDF.dll is installed on the computer, then add the path.
If it's not installed, run a 'Repair' of e-Work through Add or Remove Programs. Go to Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Add or Remove Programs. Select Metastorm e-Work, click Change, and then select the Repair option in the installer and continue. Afterwards, verify that the external form definition has been added.
A standard installation of the Designer will have 3 extensions defined: htm, html, and pdf. Registry entries for these are necessary and can be found in HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Software\\Metastorm\\e-work\\Designer\\ExternalForms. The following is an export of the default key ExternalForms and its subkeys (i.e. the contents of the .reg file):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"DESCRIPTION"="htm forms"
"DLL"="C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Metastorm e-Work\\\\Designer\\\\EWHTML.dll"
"DESCRIPTION"="html forms"
"DLL"="C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Metastorm e-Work\\\\Designer\\\\EWHTML.dll"
"DESCRIPTION"="pdf forms"
"DLL"="C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Metastorm e-Work\\\\Designer\\\\EWPDF.dll"