New User Introductions!



Welcome to Metastorm Community Central (MC²). Introduce yourself to the Community!


I am Liz Kocourek, a Community Manager here on MC², and am happy to answer any questions regarding the Community.

Please feel free to private message me or send an email to  You can also post your questions in the Community Welcome or Suggestion Box boards to let others value from the feedback.


Happy Posting!





  • Hi Everyone!


    Dai Williams here from Cardiff, South Wales in the UK. Been using Metastorm for just over 3 years now at Eversheds LLP, but shortly leaving to do Metastorm work (Provision and BPM) on contracts.


    What a great new site here, really does compliment the product suites very well and I hope to make a lot of use out of this in the future. Would be good to hear from any Metastorm users in South Wales ... doesnt seem like theres many of us!





  • I am existing user. I try to login with my ID and it no longer work. How can I access my open case?

  • When registering, did you click the radio button that says “Already have a Customer Zone or Partner Zone account” and enter your previous support username and password? This step ties your old username and password to your newly created Community account, allowing you to access all sites with a single set of credentials. If you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to email .

  • :robotmad:

    Hi there,


    I manage a team of software developers at Clayton Utz  in Sydney Australia. We have put in place an implementation of Metastorm BPM 9 SR1 in conjunction with our technology partners BTP a Metastorm DNA Partner. We've just had some training from John Cooper who kindly came out from Metastorm in the UK.


    Anyway I just wanted a chance to use the robotmad emoticon. g'day!